For many of us, our love for the outdoors started at a young age. Perhaps you grew up on a farm, took family camping trips, went on vacations to a national park, or embarked on a fishing adventure with a grandparent. For others, the love for the outdoors came later in life and might have been a result of wanting to escape the city, the search for adventure, an attempt to find mental clarity, or the desire to experience a moment or a view that takes your breath away. No matter what created your passion for the outdoors or desire to learn about it, you are now here seeking it out, learning about it, and loving it.

It is this passion that helps us progress in our mission to connect the LGBTQ+ community to the outdoors and its members while striving to make it a more safe, diverse, and inclusive space. Further more, we stand for our future community, our families, and the kids of the world that are just now exploring the outdoors that will soon realize, “something is different about me.”

Your donation will help us impact our community beyond measure. To name a few impacts your contribution will make, your donation will help educate other LGBTQ+ people who desire to get active in the outdoors, make an impact on the outdoors community, and truly provide a safe haven for those that are often ostracized. With a cause as impactful as this, this is without a doubt something worth putting your money behind!

Donations can be made via Venmo as well @LGBTOutdoors.

Thank you!

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